2022 music program - piano registration form

To register for this program, your child(ren) must be a current member of BGC Battlefords. If they are not yet a member,
click on the green button below to complete the 2022 Membership Form.

2022 Music Program - Piano Registration Form




If your child wants to participate in BGC Battlefords (BGCB) Music Program and enjoy the privileges as a participant, you have to agree that your child will respect the staff, volunteers, and the other members. YOU MUST UNDERSTAND THAT BGCB IS A SAFE PLACE FOR ALL MEMBERS, AND IF YOUR CHILD ACTS IN A WAY THAT MAKES SOMEONE FEEL UNSAFE, THEY WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE. Your child will follow the rules set by the staff. You also understand that if your child does not abide by these rules, they may lose their privileges as a result and may not be able to return to BGCB in the future.

BGC Battlefords is committed to protecting the confidentiality of personal information. The information collected will assist BGC Battlefords in service delivery and is kept confidential.